Wednesday, January 5, 2011

From the end of August to the middle of December, 2010 we remodeled - or rather drastically changed the old end of the house. We started out by only wanting the roof changed to a more normal roof and a couple of walls removed. But after a workman fell through the flooring after taking out a couple of walls, we really updated/graded the flooring, redid the electrical and plumbing. Redoing the roof was the easiest part. The next few pictures show the changes. And YES we did have remodeling dust everywhere! And continue to find some in small places:-)

Top picture is looking out the kitchen window to the east. Middle picture is looking out the new living room picture window to the east and the bottom picture is looking back into the house.

Next picture is looking north out the new living room window and front door. Bottom picture is looking out the old back door south. We finally got carpet down after a month long delay. We have a bit of furniture and finished an old round table of Marilyn's mother's and placed it in front of the window and hung several pictures. Rick is cooking cereal in the kitchen and we have a TV and video set up on the wall that goes into Marilyn's office. Now to place a few new pictures of the finished project?!

In the meantime, our whole family was together for a few hours the day after Thanksgiving for the Cousins Christmas Party. The two pictures are below - you can choose the more normal picture?!?



The middle of December we took a quick trip down to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights and decorations. They were beautiful!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bishop Parker and his wife Marilyn and several men from Rupert 3rd Ward took the Young Men ages 14-18 to Redfish Lake near Stanley, Idaho for 4.5 days for their high adventure campout. They boated, ate, kayaked, ate, swam, ate, hiked, ate, biked and ate. Rick and Marilyn cooked for them all and had lots of snacks in between times. The boys were good to help with whatever was asked of them.

We drove up to Custer City - an old mining town that is on the Yankee Fork -and is a small tourist attraction along with the gold dredge. You can take tours in the dredge now.

A bear decided to visit the campsite the 3rd and 4th night. Even tho we had put things away, we forgot a few items and the bear decided to go through a few more things and leave us a big bear paw print . . . . . He did not leave any licorice for us or peanut butter, or lemonade! AND he made a mess~

Sam's 20th Birthday. Shaura and boys put up signs at DI for him and Mom brought cookies.
4th of July Parade in Rupert - It was 60 degrees outside!
And we even found BRACE Road but it was in Pennsylvania - Bradford County, south of Elmira, NY. It was an adventure to find it!! GPS and Sariah helped!

Very hilly country. They have to blaze a trail just to put telephone/ electric poles up. You can see the cut through the foliage on the right of the picture.
And we found Samuel Brace's gravesite along with his family in Dalton, New York - not too far from Nunda. Samuel is Marilyn's 3rd GGfather.